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SoloQ's Unban Request (RESOLVED)

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UnBan/Unmute/UnCT-Ban Request:

Player Name (at time of banning): Wurdys 90 year old saggy tits


Ban/Mute/CT-Ban Reason Given: I wasn't given with a warning, but I'll guess it was arguing

Server Banned From: Jailbreak

Why you believe your ban was unfair/disproportionate: I never received any warnings by the moderator, and arguing is not really a reason, at least in my views. First off I'd like to apologise to whom I have offended while arguing, I am sorry.

Do you have any evidence to support your claim?: /

Date of incident: 5/21/2016

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Hello Solo Q,

You were banned for multiple things like impersonating, disrespecting and arguing which led to your ban reason being "Toxic".

Your first warning was a kick which said "Stop impersonating other players" and then your second warning was given when i told you to change your name when it was inappropriate and disrespectful, you then argued back of saying that there's no rules saying that you can't do that, when there is plenty right here of what you have broke so far:

1  No racism or discrimination of any kind, abusive or toxic behaviour will not be tolerated.

6  Listen to moderators+ at all times.

9  Don't impersonate other players, members or staff. Also no fake OB steam groups.

14  Don't try and find loopholes in the rules, if you are unsure if something is allowed or not just use your common sense.

Then later on you decided to create a pointless argument when Tammashay joined, and started arguing and being toxic towards several people and also changed your name to "Wurdys 90 year old saggy tits" saying "KYS". 

Therefore your day ban will stand.


All the best,


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