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Posts posted by fgt

  1. Hello, my name is Vlad-Andrei I'm 21 yold and im from Romania. I used to work as an electrician but had to quit over the physical problems with my spine (scoliosis). I didnt really enjoy working there since in my country the paygrade is shit and you have to work like 10 hour shifts everyday + saturdays. Anyhow, I'm waiting for my cousin to set me up so I can come in UK and work there, should be this week or the next hopefully. Alright, lets talk gaming now, my experience as a jailbreak player starter around 2008 playing on a community which name I can't remember, then I moved to mY.RuN community in 2010 and played there till late 2014, I've been a member and an admin there on their hns+jailbreak servers for around 2-3 years. I like playing csgo with friends and community members and I also have a gambling issue here, lost over 1k$ on csgodouble, dont do gambling kids:(. 

    If you have questions write them up :D

  2. I think theres a missunderstanding here, I never played jb on this community, I played jb back in the they in a different community but now I want to start a new experience here 

  3. Player Name:fgt
    Role(s): Anything
    Rank (If signing up to be a player): ge
    Tournament (1v1, 5v5 or both): both
    Can you commit to the game days and show up on time?: Yes
    Are you going to be away at any point during the tournament? When to when?: no

    How do we know if we got accepted?

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