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About gkern

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    Fresh Meat

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  1. Hello there, I was banned by Rachel on what seems to be having a VAC on so called 'main' account and I am posting here to explain the reasoning for the VAC ban. Around 3 weeks ago I got trojan and my main account http://steamcommunity.com/id/gKern and I got hacked. The hacker not only used 40 odd keys for trading to open cases, he played competitive with aim hack, hence my VAC ban. I don't see why I would hack with such high tier skins and multiple games unless. I would truly appreciate an unban and am willing to give you screenshots of the steam support case regarding the situation. Here is a demo of one of games which the hacker played steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+ ... uNUT-n6iPK Just search 'run' in all programs and paste it in to watch. Thanks edit: http://i.imgur.com/sIDSUjb.png steam support convo edit2: me trading 95k worth of items knowing the hacker would get me banned http://imgur.com/CAlf0Kl
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