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  1. A new map activities video for jb_vice, this might help you all out a lot, as long as the map is in the rotation :P https://youtu.be/iglgwyinNBY
  2. I have decided to yet make an other map secrets video for the map jb_sandypicnic @ https://youtu.be/l7iBD9cEk80 The map is probably not yet on the server, but by interest visit: csgo.gamebanana.com/maps/189885 --- Map activities for jb_hostile @ https://youtu.be/OxUmbxbQwcQ
  3. New map activities! JB mist: https://youtu.be/NVMw_Cbpxyo
  4. Every weekend I'll upload a couple of videos, sometimes throughout the week.
  5. I agree with smokey actually, and it's still an option to do so and I would love to help the ones out who do want this.
  6. Secrets of pretty much maps are already known for quite some time, so I want to give new players who are interesting in knowing the secrets a chance to do so with video material. I have also added vents to the secrets to show what the vents exactly do. Isn't the fun of being a new player though learning the maps? Seeing people teleport away or go through a hidden wall, you being confused and eventually trying it out for yourself, adding another arsenal to your ability to rebel. If everyone already knows the secrets, new players will see them used in not much time. Yet, it's optional to watch the secret part and that's also why it's in a separate video. Also the secrets might be useful for older players who forgot a secret and would like to know again.
  7. Secrets of pretty much maps are already known for quite some time, so I want to give new players who are interesting in knowing the secrets a chance to do so with video material. I have also added vents to the secrets to show what the vents exactly do.
  8. Ba_jail_minecraftparty_v6 Map activities https://youtu.be/DA2neApN7lw Secrets https://youtu.be/FxJmdjIBeVw
  9. I am currently adding all the videos to a public playlist on the youtube channel. And I will for example remake peanut soon with all the activities and group that into one video indeed. Thanks for your post and I will add annotations for the things I could find difficult, just contact me if something yet has to be added. Preferably on steam: steamcommunity.com/id/yStrazz/
  10. No problem, be sure to subscribe to check out when new videos are uploaded :P
  11. I remember when we first put Clouds into the rotation and nobody except a select few knew the secrets those were quieter times That's of course cool, but especially with older maps showing the secrets wouldn't hurt.
  12. Actually people have noticed me that they want to see the secrets being done, and of course you're not obligated to watch em ;) Just to help you guys out!
  13. Hey guys, I recently started uploading videos on youtube on how to do map activities (secrets will come later) and it would be great if I can get some suggestions for maps. Thanks and I hope my videos can help you guys out! https://www.youtube.com/strazzediting
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