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Posts posted by Skill

  1. When I first got Windows 10 it took me 1 week to get my internet working as it was very confusing and at that time, I wanted to degrade back to Windows 7 but after getting used to it and liking it more, I realised that Windows 10 is definitely the best I have used so far. Just my opinion. :)

  2. I was pretty sure hat France would win but after there first match I'm not so sure. It really depends which team works together and plays the best on the day. Winner will almost certainly be out of France, Germany, Spain or Belguim for me. :)

  3. Player Name: Sk1ll
    Role(s): Player
    Rank (If signing up to be a player): MG2
    Tournament (1v1, 5v5 or both): both
    Can you commit to the game days and show up on time?: Yes
    Are you going to be away at any point during the tournament? When to when?: No

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