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Joe Danger

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  1. Player Name (at time of banning):< Joe Danger > SteamID:STEAM_0:0:102793855 Ban/Mute/CT-Ban Reason Given: I was banned for telling Mods that they are shit at being mods because when someone gets freekilled and they type that they got freekilled in admin chat like their supose to, they turn a blind eye to everyone except for people they know and are close to. Its pretty dissapointing to see that the mods dont care about freekilling since it happens so often on the JailBreak server.I think there should be something done about it, not to turn a blind on from admin chat for people who have actually being freekilled, it was out of hand to tell them they are shit at being mod but i was just enraged because of how the mods just could'nt give a shit about players like me. Server Banned From:JailBreak Why you believe your ban was unfair/disproportionate: I think this is unfair because of how they turn a blind eye to people who were actually freekilled unless it is their friend or something, it seems like they can give a shit about anyone that was freekilled. Do you have any evidence to support your claim?: No Date of incident:24/09/2015
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