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  1. Kaze

    Kaze's Intro

    Hey there, I'm Kaze and I'm from Scotland, I've only recently started playing on the jailbreak server here but I've played on several others in the past and enjoy it to pass the time when I get fed up with matchmaking that's full of people who don't speak a word of English. Although I enjoy playing numerous different games I usually tend to become focused on one at a time, currently that is CS:GO. Outside of gaming I enjoy playing the guitar and piano, reading books and art. I also enjoy watching movies and some TV series. My favourites are Scandinavian thrillers. My competitive rank in csgo is MG2 and I've been trying to rank up for ages but have had no success. I guess I could partly blame that on the fact that I play on a potato laptop that at some points only gives me 50fps. There's probably some things I've missed out here but I don't really enjoy writing about myself that much. Bloody narcissists everywhere these days. Anyways, thanks for reading and if you have any questions feel free to ask them.
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