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Everything posted by FlutterByeBullet

  1. Ye we'll make sure to ban him XD thats the name he used XD
  2. sry im new to this forum and i didnt know there was a template.
  3. Hi my name is Flutter AD i am writing this to ask for the ban of a few players from the server for multiple reasons (with valid proof) The people that i am asking for you to ban have broken the rules quite badly and ignored them. these people include(what they did and type of ban): 1.sum guy- freekilled multiple times,threats to DDoS the server, abusive language at fellow players (things such as "come on then bitch, i dare you to get me banned")- if possible could you give this player a IP ban as he has stated that if one account gets banned he'll keep coming back and doing it with different accounts cause,and i quote him,"i dont give a fuck about this server or the players i just love to see you all rage at me when i kill you XD hahahahahaha fucking noobs you suck". 2.Davos- freekilled multiple times, threats to DDoS the server, abusive language at fellow players, rasicm, theats to clear players inventory, death threats via mic(things such as "flutter just go cut yourself and die"...."you should go die, noobs dont belong here"- if possible could you give this player a IP ban as he has ignored the rules completely and done things that are unforgivable. 3.Hermioni Cortez- Abusing glitches on the map "ba_jail_Voodoo_final-casual", abusive language directed at Davos and sum guy- if posible could you temp ban this player for exploiting glitches (ik you get banned for this as my friend was banned for 2 days for exploiting a glitch). 4.i deserve challenjour. gg- abusive language directed at Davos and sum guy, death threat via mic "Davos go die you fucker", exploiting glitch on map "ba_jail_voodoo_final-casual"- please tepm ban for exploiting glitches. Proof of some events(sry i dont have any video/audio proof of abuse): http://i.imgur.com/AE2iHKz.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Km37IoE.jpg?1 here is where you can view the screenshots if the above doesnt work: http://flutterbyebullet.imgur.com/all/ thank you for viewing my post and i hope to see you on the server sometime. THX FlutterByeBullet
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