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Everything posted by Koala

  1. Well at one point I wanted to be called Jester but on all the games I used to play the name was already taken, therefore Jesty seems like a great name, so that's what my name for a while. Then I changed it to KoalaBearJesty because I wanted to have KoalaBear in my name, then I ended up shortening it to Koala, because you know, who doesn't love Koalas?
  2. King Krule is the best when you're on it. I really like that Germany Germany shit, like the slight progressive vibe. Electric youth seems like its perfect when you wanna trip some. I love that Meg and Dia remix, I have always known that song for some reason, and always loved it, much better than the original if you aren't into that sort of rock. Peace's new album came out yesterday so this is blasting through my speakers. The video is pretty good too.
  3. I'm on mobile, but here is some crazy koala music
  4. ye I bought 7.5k credits because I make friends by throwing money at them you know? my modules right now are on the Cold War but i just did China 1900-1999 No idea yet really, I have offers for Law and offers for history at different places and I haven't made my mind up yet. I'm pretty indecisive.
  5. Hello buddies, how's it going team? My names Koala, or people who aren't on the internet call me Nathan. I'm 17 and studying economics, law and history in England. In fact I am sat in an economics lesson now as I type this, because I'm a stone cold badass. Apart from going to college and making shitty jokes, I play quite a bit of CS GO, mainly jailbreak. Before this weekend I spent most if my time on a different jailbreak server that I am a moderator on. However when I learnt that the server I used to play on CSS was up and running on CS GO I couldn't stop myself from having a bit of a gander, and you rapscallions have enticed me to stay around. So if you guys enjoy long paragraphs of not much sense then I guess I have come to the right place. <3<3<3 Lots of love Koala Ps. If I don't get 3 pages like Rebecca did I'm never coming back
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