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Posts posted by ronmonster

  1. Brown stain I'm saying this as your friend, you really need to actually be active here. That doesn't mean turn up on the server every now and then, you need to post here and make yourself known on the teamspeak. You should probably also join in a few gathers as well.

    Just repeatadly spamming the same member request every month without actually becoming more active isn't going to help your chances, anyway good luck in your eventual acceptance. :D

  2. Player Name: Ronmonster (used to be cum stain but changed it due to complaints)

    Date of Birth:15/03/98


    Country/Location: UK

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51398553

    Games Played: CS:S CS:S COD4 BF3

    Roughly how long have you been playing our server(s)? maybe about 100 hours

    What qualities can you bring to Outbreak?: apparently I have a good sense of humor, so I guess there's that.

    Tell us a little something about yourself: I'm just a student trying to get my GCSE's, but there's always time for gaming. I'm usually on between 5PM and 9PM weekdays.

    More recently I've started being more active on the teamspeak, seems everyone's quite friendly on there.

    I've also joined in with a few CS:GO Gathers, pretty fun stuff.

    Anything else I should add?

  3. I haven't spent much time on forums before now, so expect me to be bad at this. Anyway I'm making this topic just to say hello and make myself known to everyone. So hello everyone, time to introduce myself.

    I've decided to become more active in the community as I've been playing here for a while now.

    My main interests are:



    The main games I play are:




    Some Minecraft



    I'm usually online between 5pm and 9pm weekdays, and every other weekend I'm online pretty much all the time.

    Anything else I should mention?

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