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Posts posted by Kartoffel

  1. We won't be able to ban anyone for freekilling based on screenshots, we'd need a demo or another kind of recording of the incident. The only thing screenshots are good for evidence are only really stuff that's going on in the chat.

    Please Nathan do upload some video evidence so we can sweep this guy under the rug.

  2. Trypophobia - until searching it up I had honestly not come across it, I'm curious how said fear works? Say an arachnophobic like my mother is fine to look at a still spider, but it is the movement of the legs and its crawling which spooks her out - what makes a pattern or hole or circle so terrifying for you? (If you don't mind saying).

    I can't really explain what is so terrifying about it, it just gives me such an uncomfortable feeling and I literally have to turn away from any clusters of holes, it feels dirty and just as if an army of tiny insects could hatch out of the holes and eat me alive.

  3. ♦ You must have been active in the community for a while (1-2 weeks roughly so that people know who you are). This means spending time on our game servers, as well as making quality posts on the forums and popping on Teamspeak! Server activity is the main priority here though. Before you gain a trial you must show a little bit of activity and dedication beforehand, then we will evaluate you further during the actual trial itself.

    Yes you have been active on the server, but you will also need to have activity on the forums, hopping on TS3 doesn't harm either (which I can now confirm myself). We need to know you more, integrate more with the people in the community, make and introduction here here to start off, if you don't know what to put in an introduction please read this.

  4. Hello there and welcome to the forums, seen you on a couple of times, but not enough to really have an opinion on you yet. And living on a farm sounds amazing in my opinion, wish I could do that too. What's your favourite toothpaste brand?

  5. ♦ Applicants must meet the age requirement to join. This is currently set to 15 years of age.

    ♦ Don't join the forums and apply on the same day, be active first.

    You must be 15 years old to be able to apply for member, so you would have to wait another 3 years or wait for a member of staff to put you forward, but that is only if you you show exemplary behaviour and maturity. You spam your mic A LOT in game and that in my opinion immediately takes away from the exemplary behaviour and maturity, it needs to stop. You also need to have forum presence before you apply for member, get to know people here and let us get to know you, but do not spam the forums.

    Also '(Trial)' is for admins to add to the topic title to indicate that someone's on trial, so I'll just remove that now to not confuse people.

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