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Posts posted by giant_cheesepuff

  1. This is true Bigtoe, I think I posted this as I was annoyed with the one DJ that was playing at that time. The radio has got a lot better. I have noticed that they are reading the requests also as i have had a couple of the songs I have requested played, which I was quite happy about. Sorry about this topic it was just a one time thing for the radio that i didn't like, It has improved vastly.

  2. I thougth Frag Radio was good but this radio is better now as the Dj has changed. I think it was just that one Dj tbh. I will see how it is i mean, for one it is playing Disney songs atm :/

  3. I personally think that the radio change is for the worst as it drops out everynow and again and the Dj sounds like a 10 year old girl and sings over all of the songs, which is funny at times but gets really annoying after a very short period of time. I am also wondering why you changed the radio from Frag Radio as it was a good radio station that played good music and had decent Dj's.I personally think that the radio should be changed back to either Frag Radio or another radio that is better than this one (Logical Radio).

    The reason I have brought this up is because I listen to the radio very often on the server (both Surf and Jailbreak). I know people are going to say listen to your own music but I find that if i listen to the radio i discover new songs that I have never heard before and like. It is also nice to have, as it is very convenient as it means i do not have to have music blaring out of speakers causing background noise and also i do not have to get another set of headphones to listen to music.

    Post a reply saying if you would like the radio to change back to Frag Radio or another station. If you think the radio station (Logical Radio) should stay also post a reply but syaing why you would not like it to change.



  4. Yh I know Prox, they are just doing it for the money and even if everyone who plays Runescape buys member to vote you are most likely gonna have to buy a new membership for the release of the 2007 anyway to do member stuff as it will not reach 750k.

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