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Posts posted by Frostie

  1. I swear to god, if my house catches fire again I declare war on all and everyone.

    You shall not be safe in Minecraft or the JB server.

    I said sorry many times, as did other people who did it in the past. Let it goooooo

    Fluxy, I literally was thinking the same thing as I read through and then saw your post, Beautiful!

  2. I'm afraid of what's coming

    And it's approaching so fast

    I don't have time to decide

    And I don't have time to look back

    I'm leaving soon

    And hope it's not too late

    To look around and say goodbye

    Before I leave this state

    Of being so dependent

    Of wanting to be free

    Of never realizing my freedom was only restrained by me

    Change is in the air

    And it's scattered on the ground

    It whistles through the wind and tugs our happy smiles down

    All the people I knew

    Will no longer be the ones I know

    I'll have to start again

    When it's time for me to go

    What I'm trying to say is, I'm going away for about a month, I may make an appearance during mid July if I have some free time.

    Don't miss me too much, I won't miss you. I Joke

  3. Can agree with Popey456963 on that one, the SA was still in construction mode and will be for what may seem like forever; as you would imagine with a game that size. The Mod has always been good apart from the desync issues but it's a good game over all and at the moment definitely beating the SA.

  4. random stuff from server that I thought was cool.

    I really like that, it's funny; I laughed really hard at them moments xD xD xd xd xd Xd XD

    As for mine It is just to let you feel comfortable however you feel. And to let you know I'm sexy as fuck.

  5. I think the idea was a good one but the company profit intake was a bit drastic to say the least.

    Pay what you want if you want should always be an option as there are people out in the world willing to throw cash down for anything. (Looking at streamers which get x-amount of £££ for sitting there with their cock in one hand and the mouse in the other).

    Also I dislike seeing gaffeR's name in blue it makes me feel sad inside. :sad1:

  6. Always enjoyed C&C have a lot of memories from the PlayStation 1 playing link with my brother, however the game is very much like any strategy based game, you unlock a certain build (AoE: Onagers) and you have basically won.

    Mainly why I pulled away from these kind of games.

    I do recommend people getting this as it really is a good game.


    Server Moderator

  7. Good luck with the trial :) Hope you pass!

    Pls only post if your member+ thanks! <3

    It's my app, I give him permission,

    Thanks anyway.

    Pls only post if your member+ thanks! <3

    Both of these are in fact shit-posts. You may be any rank to wish good luck on a member application, we simply ask you to not post on Moderator applications as it is a Admin+ decision as to who gets put through. Having a +1 from anyone in the community regardless of member status means you are liked on the server.

    If you are posting to be cheeky it's still a shit-post so lets not do that. Mkay.


    Server Moderator

  8. Daniel "GaffeR" Garforth, So many things come to mind when hearing the name. Many things of which may not be repeated on a public thread. However GaffeR was always a solid guy, never afraid to tell someone how he felt about them whether they be Russian, English or Scottish. He was a strong man with many talents and quick wit, He may be gone but never forgotten. R I P DannyLAD.

    I joke obviously, shall see you on the TeamSpeak server soon, hope your well and woman as well as Harrison, did he ever get AVP Drop?


    Server Moderator

  9. 1. No. Cell camping is allowed if there is a possible way to get out of the cell. Adding Trigger_hurt would just remove 1 way of a terrorist rebelling, in my opinion it should always be a Counter-Terrorists job to search the cells once the Terrorists have been move.


    Server Moderator

  10. 1. No.

    2. No.

    There are plenty of ways to get your questions answered without needing a shoutbox. It just means more work that needs to be put onto the forums which would very rarely get used. As well as trolls being able to be complete and utter "askholes".

    Gametracker exists for a reason, whether you have a dying urge to find out how long you have played on the server I'm sure you can wait a few hours if it is down.


    Server Moderator

  11. Hello, firstly let me apologise for low server activity recently, as you know I'm a playa and bitches don't fuck themselves. I joke obviously. I have been doing a rather large amount of work for a friend which lives out of my town involving me to travel everyday taking up 2 hours of my day. Aswell as that I have been working more than I had expected recently and often find myself too tired to switch my computer on.

    However when my friends studio has been completed and my hours calm down I shall be making more frequent visits to the server.

    Terribly sorry, will try harder mister sir. Please no punish I try harder please.

  12. So I thought I'd pump this thread as I like to put faces to voices and it's interesting to see new people, so as for the new members of Outbreak let us see your faces! (You too conor, let them see what only I have seen they deserve it)


    (Looks deeply into the crowd of gathering people reading this thread and glares at YOU)

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