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Everything posted by W!PeOuT

  1. Ok firstly to address Twist: Dick, dickhead, twat etc are insults. I didn't take a screenshot because I didn't care but later on Bennevis told me that one of them was an admin which I found pretty stunning to be honest. I can safely say I've never ever used those kinds of words against anyone on the server whilst administrating it. It's not the best way of restarting a round. There is a specific command to restart the round and failing that there's the /respawn @all command. It's a non-issue whether you agree with me about the scoring being important on PB servers or not the important point is that he used his gag to silence me when I actually had not broken any rules at all. Sorry but why should I drop it? It started as a suggestion that he use /rr instead but it was quickly escalated beyond that when admin powers became involved. My conduct is not questionable under the rules outlined on the forum unless you count the "listen to admins" rule which is a complete cop-out rule that is abused to hell to assert your power over them. I never enforce it myself because it's pratically a non-rule. Besides I don't call saying "Fuck it, Do it again" a calm way of restarting the round. It's more like a "I'm fed up of this so I'm just going to slay all the CTs" kind of response. Now to address Eagle: Did I decide to freekill? No. In fact I saw one and only one freekill at the time and I was watching pretty closely because I was looking for rebels and I was on high ground anyway. I agree the whole round went to hell pretty quickly but you don't just slay the entire CT team because one maybe 2 of us actually freekilled and broke rules. Actually no. What I said was there was someone in the armoury so I went and dual elite killed them through the upstairs window. I then went over to the over side of the map looking for rebels and when I turned around there were some more people in armoury so I got my AWP out and aimed at one but you slayed me before I even pulled the trigger. Not once was I facing the armoury for more than 5-10 seconds. That's not camping, it's killing rebels in the armoury who are probably keen on shooting me. And the fuck it part? What about me? I didn't freekill, nor did I armoury camp. You slayed me nonetheless and that is not the way to deal with a situation like that. Why don't you read the console logs again? I said to you that you shouldn't slay every CT but instead use /rr. Where in that sentence did I claim to be a god? In fact it was you who brought up the whole admin credential issue because you asked me how long I'd been administrating PB servers and that was the first mention of anything along those lines. Up until then it was just us fueding over a suggestion which you took rather badly. How on earth do you figure that I missed out parts? I highlighted every single top line on each page which you can see on the preceding page so how did I edit it exactly? The entire frame of the console log around it is still intact. Plus 2 hours to write that? Really? No it didn't take me that long and besides it dosen't bother me how long it will take me. There was no hate in that chat log at all. Please point to the part where I hated on you. The use of gag even to get my attention is a bad argument because you had my full attention already and you didn't even mention posting on the forums before you gagged me. I might have even left it at that but no you had to use your powers to gag me. Asserting that we are both wrong/right is going to cause a response isn't it? That's not a good way of ending the discussion and besides I don't want an end to the discussion I want my issues to be addressed. What you did was wrong and it comes under admin abuse no matter how you spin it. Well since it was you who brought up the issue of my experience of handling PB servers I figured it would be an important subject to you. I even said before I launched into it that I reckoned you didn't need any previous experience to tell people they're doing it wrong. All I need is a knowledge of SM commands which most people (that I know at least) have this knowledge. Ok, then you'll be able to tell me which rule in the rule list you gagged me under then. I haven't left anything out. Look at the top and bottom of each screenshot and you can even see the preceeding line (it's highlighted in fact). The border around the console text is unbroken and I highlighted every single exchange between me and you. There is no tampering of that screenshot you just carried away and gagged me without thinking or warning me. I also find the underlined bit very important. I had admins who said they wanted to perm ban people for stupid things like this that aren't even covered by rules but they always told me they never actually would. Then a few days/weeks later I get told by somebody that they just got permbanned with the reason "jerk" or "asshole" or whatever petty insult they threw in the reason section. One day you'll jump the gun entirely and you'll perm ban someone you may dislike but who actually does not deserve a perm ban. Then you won't be able to defend yourself at all. It's absolutly nothing to do with that. The console logs show him calling my experience into question. I even said that I didn't think anybody needed some kind of credential to make a suggestion to an admin they think has done something wrong. It's nothing to do with intelligence, frankly I don't care how intelligent you, Eagle or any of your members are, intelligent people abuse admin as well. Frankly if he calls my experience into question once then what's to stop him calling me out on it again. I made it pretty clear that this part didn't matter at all but that I realise some people would be reading this thinking "who the hell is this guy?" There are plently of other ways of doing that and most of them are better. Yes, it's not in your rules so it's not banned. You might want to make it a bit more explicit for people like me who have never played your server before. Not to mention that is exactly not what someone else said to me. I asked over mic (twist was there but this was much earlier in the day) and I was told that whilst it was "frowned upon" it was not banned and so I asked could I give it a try anyway to which I was told yes. You need to tell your admins and regulars that calling me a dick in chat is not a way of telling me that the unfreeze rule is banned or even discouraged. Actually it does. You know how I know that? Because I used it all the time to reset rounds on the FP/AG PB servers without any issues. Even if it didn't work on your server, I saw Kriss use the !respawn @t command earlier on in the day and it worked fine. So what's the issue with typing "!respawn @t" and "!respawn @ct". Huh? The freeday round was over... all it would have done was reset the round so that Twist could have given commands again. It would be like a new round started and the freeday would be cancelled much in the same way the commander's orders are cancelled by LR when only 2 terrorists survive. I was not even aware you had a forum. I had to google you to find you. It's not an issue for me. I have 2 dyslexic friends, a dyslexic cousin and loads of foreign friends who are all constantly asking me and everyone around them how to spell words. Dosen't bother me in the slightest as long as I can understand what you're saying. I still feel like I should be given an apology. What was done to me was completly unfair.
  2. I really was hoping the first post I ever made on this community forum wasn't an admin complaint/ban request but I don't think you should be allowed to do this. Admin Name: Eagle SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13892393 What did he do: Ok so it was the second round into a map (the first being declared a freeday by some CT) and none of the CTs wanted to give orders that round. My reason was because the last time I gave commands I was insulted in chat by a few people for using the unfreeze rule (including another admin incedentaly) but I'm not going into that. It ended up going on for a while and the cells were opened at some point by some other CT. At this point there were people rebelling and going into the armoury so I went over and killed them and got to a distance so I could AWP them safely. Then Eagle just says "Do it again" in chat and without warning slays all the remaining CTs including myself thus ending the round. I then said to him in chat that he should have used /rr to restart the round. If he dosen't have that command then even /respawn @all would have been better but there we go. We then get into an argument over chat (some of which was on mic, I'll try to cover these parts). I have the whole thing in the console screenshots provided and not once did I threaten him, insult him personnaly or breach any of the rules of the server according to the list on these forums (which I read before I started playing earlier on). Anyone this carries on for a while but the back and off remains fairly friendly and it was then he gagged me. I then, taking care not to talk over the commander, reminded him I had a mic and asked him why he did it over mic and then he told me it was "spam". I would like to take this moment in the story to bring you the dictionary definition of spam: Something which I'm not doing. I can't see how it was irrelevant or inappropriate to message him about what I considered a bad mistake as an admin. So then he threatens to mute me and I suggested to him that he ungag me so we could talk this over in chat so as not to disrupt the gameplay. Even at this point I have said nothing abusive to him at all. Then he ungags me and after a short restarting of the debate he threatens to ban me for 5 mins, again no reason given and no reason I can find in the rules list and then told me to take it to the forums which is exactly what I'm doing. You're probably wondering what gives me the right to question this guy. I would argue I wouldn't need admin credentials to bestow upon him a basic knowledge of SM admin commands and when to use them but in case you aren't of that viewpoint: I used to administrate the popular FP JB/PB server. Some of you may remember it in fact (I know as soon as I dropped the name people said they remembered it). I'm still a B rank administrator on the AG JB server which is the successor to the FP server but I don't really play CSS that much anymore as I'm doing a physics degree. I also have administrated 11 other servers, 5 forums (1 of them unrelated to CSS), co-founded 2 communities over my career spanning 3-4 years as well as configure, setup, run and populate 3 other servers, 2 of which were successful. Including both incarnations of AuR surf server (counted as one) as I am a co-founder twice over both before and after the reboot of the community (which I started). Some of you in AuR may know me as I used to be quite active on the surf servers. I'm not perfect but I certainly don't abuse my power in this manner. He had no good reason nor any right as an admin to use his powers in the way he did and whilst no serious abuse occured, if you don't jump on this now then one day it could end up in an unfair ban. I've seen admins turn bad before and it always starts with minor things this. I don't want him demoted, I don't want him kicked from the community or banned. I just want an apology and a promise that something will be done to monitor the admins on your server a bit more carefully. Whether you agree with my opinions on whether he should have slayed the CTs or not you cannot deny he was in the wrong when gagging me or threatening me with furthur action because I was breaching absolutely no rules. Evidence: http://postimage.org/image/gubcs2z7f/ http://postimage.org/image/6cvwxj9iv/ http://postimage.org/image/6bwg6l76v/ This server has potential but it won't be any good to play on if this kind of thing happens often. Thank you for reading W!PeOuT
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