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Posts posted by Brawler

  1. Loved it. Stayed up with my whole family, my uncle won a couple hundred pounds from that fight, atmosphere was amazing and all around great fight.

    Ps. My uncle gambled for that game. It payed off though.

  2. Is anyone here a big prison break (a tv show) fan, coz I definitely am.

     Write down what you think will happen next season if you know what happened the previous seasons.

    Im interested to see your predictions!

  3. 1 hour ago, Rachel said:

    No.1 Can't seem to find the latest version of 16.8.6

    No.2 How does one fix a core clock

    No.3 Downloaded it but it needs a Nvidia driver

    Like i said im literally autistic with this stuff so you gotta tell me where i can find them :unsure: 

     why you installing nvidia geforce for amd? smh we've got alot of idiots these days.

    You better look at the requirements on the website before you download or you can look at supported hardware.

    Also Geforce experience only works for Nvidia cards and most cpu's.


  4. 20 hours ago, dAiMantt said:

    1) Own It. Pretending you're not angry—especially while exhibiting nearly cartoonish physical signs of anger—does no good for you, the target of your anger, or your blood pressure. Many people think that to acknowledge anger is the same as acting inappropriately on it. That's simply not true, and the difference in those two concepts is huge. Admitting that you are upset, whether to yourself, or as calmly as possible to the person you're in conflict with ("I admit I seem to be getting upset here. I want to resolve this and not do anything I regret, so I am going to try to slow down.") can validate your feelings. This in turn can help you feel more empowered toward working toward a solution, and  it will also diminish the conflict within yourself.


    2) Break It Down. So you're still simmering after your yearly review? If you jot down some of your thoughts, whether with prehistoric pen and paper or with an app du jour, you'll gain some clarity as to how they're serving as the antecedents to your feelings. In the process, you can sort out why you're upset and what steps you can take work through the situation. Perhaps most important, putting your feelings into words can make them feel more tangible, and therefore more manageable—which can eventually help them work their way out of your system.


    3) Move It Out. As physical signs go, anger can look very similar to other forms of arousal, like anxiety or even excitement. Calming those physical impulses, or giving them someplace useful to go, can help you get your anger under control. Slow down your breathing through several long, deep breaths. Loosen your muscles through clenching and unclenching your fists and slowly doing a neck roll. If you can use that arousal for good rather than for clocking someone in the face, you'll be better off. So channel that rage into an activity that can release tension: running, kickboxing, dancing, jumping rope, or even just beating your fists against your chest like a gorilla. A primal scream can be helpful if you are blessed with the space. Instead of letting your frustration burn you up, you can burn it off. And if it comes out in the shape of tears, or even demonic laughter? Just let it. 

    4) Find The Big Picture. If you're still feeling steamed from that interaction with your colleague or that snarky tone from the person in line at the coffee shop, it might be time to make a list of the things you're grateful for.Gratitude meditations, or just sitting and focusing on what's right in your life, will make what you're angry about seem more molehill than mountain. You might also choose to think about the person whom you think has wronged you, and imagine what unique challenges they may be reacting to. Think about the ways that they could use someempathy, and try to mentally give it to them—that can often neutralize anger.


    5) Share—carefully. If there is a friend or loved one you trust, sharing your feelings with them can sometimes be cathartic. But be aware that not everyone is equipped to hear difficult feelings in a healthy, supportive way. Some might just not be good listeners, and could just try to bottle up your emotions for you. Others might try to fan the flames, like audiences in a gladiator match.


    6) Act. If someone drove poorly on the freeway, you'll simply move on, eventually. But if you're part of a toxic relationship or the victim of a serial aggressor, you'll need to do what you can to chart out steps to improve the situation. A specific plan of action with methodical goals, and the pathways to get there, can lend a very important sense of control, reducing your stress and increasing your peace.

    7) Be Watchful. Sometimes things may seem to be resolved, but rage still lingers residually, in the form of irritability, insomnia, or evendepression. Increasing your mindfulness via your awareness in the moment of your thoughts and feelings, and the triggers that seem to cause them, can serve as an early warning system for future conflicts. It can also help you determine if your anger is due to something deeper that could benefit from talking to a professional.



    Looooooool if anyone actually bothers to read this its not even made from 'dAidoctor' and it's some abusive relation ship thing or some shit for women to do with relationships.

  5.  I still believe in Conor even though he is so 'cocky' and has a large band wagon.

    Though as Eraser said, the hate that Conor says doesnt do anything to Nate.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Eraser said:

    but Diaz just has a jaw of fucking granite that Connor's left cant shake. 

    So true

    And yes McGreggor does mentally destroy his opponents eg. Jose Aldo, so much pressure was put on him by McGreggor and all the people in the arena put alot of pressure on him making him very panicy if you know what I mean (nervous is a better word)


  7. I can agree, he is really cocky but I really do believe that he will win this one, as he has learnt his lesson from being arrogant and not to trash talk. (as much)

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