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Allen Snider

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Everything posted by Allen Snider

  1. Hi there I'm Mikkel, also known as Allen Snider in the game. I frequent the jailbreak server fairly often, and I just started joining the TS, disguised as the user "Allen" I hail from the kingdom that is rotten, Denmark. I'm 18 years old, and I am on my senior year in High School, gradutating in June. I live with my brother. I have a girlfriend named Nicoline, and we have been together for 2 years now. She isn't a "gamer" herself, although she does play Sims from time to time. My main game is CS:GO for now, but I've been playing WoW since release basically, and recently unsubbed since I want to focus on other things. Although I'm not a member/trial yet, I thought an introduction was needed, since it's a good ice breaker (sort of) Thanks for reading, and hopefully we can chat on TS at some point. Edit: Wanted to add steam profile if anyone is interested: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013416565
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