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Allen Snider

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Posts posted by Allen Snider

  1. Completely wrecked my arm on a trampoline in the 4th grade, had to get surgery and everything.

    Getting the giant safety pins pulled out a month later was the worst pain in my life.

  2. As my post was deleted in what seems to be a roll-back, I wanted to post this again.

    I should have written this sooner, but I suppose I never got around to do it.

    I've been busy with repetition in school for my upcoming exams, we have all sorts of preparations we need to make before we graduate, so my social life is completely booked at the moment. When I've actually had the time to play, I played with some close irl friends instead.

    Not only that, but I decided to replace my desktop, but the new one should arrive today. 

    Since school ends next Thursday, I will probably start popping in on the server and TS again.

    Miss ya'll <3


    EDIT: Gonna miss u rory </3

  3. Since all the "y u bring substick" jokes have been made, I'll refrain from doing so.

    Welcome to the forums/community/server/teamspeak/newforumsidonthaveaccesto!

    Only seen you on the forums thus far, but our paths may cross at some point.

  4. Okay, so I want to destroy Rome

    I would be able to fit a small nuclear warhead (W78 should be able to fit in a LARGE CAR BOOT), and yields and explosion of 350 kt

    Source for size: http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Weapons/W78.html With some elbow grease and modifications (and a container), you should be able to put the entire device in the boot.

    Since I am a scientist, I should be able to make some sort of remote detonation device easily.

    Once I arrive in Rome, I will tell them that they have to make me emperor, or else I will detonate this device, that will destroy their entire city. Here's where the remote detonation device comes in;

    If they try to arrest me, I can detonate the warhead from afar; if they try to kill me, I will just detonate it whilst being next to it, and level most of the city doing so. I would be dead, yes; but leveling the roman empire's capital city at the same time, would be worth it.

    https://gyazo.com/b40aa0b7d9ee3a278e620f5df22e525c This would be the fallout from detonation a 350 kt nuclear device in the middle of Rome, give or take a few metres.

    Who said I couldn't be a crazy scientist?

  5. i know its civ 4 but wth

    Baba yetu, yetu uliye

    Mbinguni yetu, yetu, amina!

    Baba yetu, yetu, uliye

    Jina lako litukuzwe.

    I bought the game when it was on sale a couple of months back, still haven't gotten into it...

  6. combat surf wins or i leave

    you drive a hard bargain

    500 credits to everyone who votes for minigames



  7. One Punch Man was pretty hilarious but i can't help but feel it ran out of steam quickly.

    There are some seriously awesome fight scenes from time to time, but IMO: the show on a whole is pretty mundane.

    I feel like Once Pucnh Man is a hit or miss for a lot of people. Either it's one of the best shows you've ever seen, or it's horribly average.

    Haven't met anyone who completely dislikes the series, though.

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