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Posts posted by dustybutcheeks

  1. I'll do it mainly because i can't bare to watch the football games as I show interest but I would love to have a team to beable to support when I'm watching it with my brother.

    edit: It says ' Tradable After Jun 17, 2016 (7:00:00) GMT ' I might struggle to reach the deadline if I'm not online will that be a problem?

  2. I think i have been very lucky for massive injuries or breaks most of them being quite minor but these are some of the slightly worse ones i remember:

    Preschool - I banged my thumb and the nail dropped off

    Year 5 - I broke my arm riding my brothers bike and chipped my bottom teeth 

    year 6 - Dived in a pool and chipped my top teeth  

    Year 8 - I got a cooks burn taking curry flavoured muffins out of an oven

    Year 9 - Flicked an elastic band in my eye and it was itchy all day 

  3. Hi Pluto ive seen you alot but i havn't got to talk to you all that much and I'm very impressed that your only 13 and know that many languages whereas I'm 14 and can only speak English and a bit Spanish. I hope to see you around.

  4. I started queing for the upgrade the second it was released and was really happy with it at first as it was alot easier to search for things if your unorganised like i am but i still prefer the simplicity of windows 7.

  5. I wouldn't class this story as creepy but it sort of is.

    Basically me, my mum and brother were out shopping specifically morrisons this was just after our shop and all of us needed to go to the toilet. Me and my brother went into the toilet and started hearing growns, low and behold on old man was fapping in the urinal. The situation was quite awkward at first because the old man was awear we were there and i thought that he would stop and appoligise are something, but no he carried on just looking over his shoulder every now and again. I couldn't stand it so i left pretty much immediatley left but my brother really needed the toilet so he settled with going in the cubicle and now i think back to it i feel bad for leaving him in there.


  6. Hi my name is Charlie and I am 14 years old as of tomorrow so by the time your reading this I will be 14. I was born in Leeds and hav'nt moved much but I have moved a total of three times in my area. In my spare time I like to play games, go climbing and meet up with my friend. My favourite colour is yellow and I love fast food.

    I've been playing video games since I was little my first platform being a playstation 1, I didn't play it much though as a new little about it at the time and didn't enjoy the games I had with it. Instead I would play outside alot with my younger brother as I loved my garden. My next platform was a DSI which I grew attached to I would play games like Mario on a day to day basis. As I got older I started to see the competitive side to gaming playing call of duty and eventually growing a love for counter-strike.

    I stared playing outbreak on the 11th of November last year but I was fairly quiet, I quickly fell in love with the server but then took a massive break and suffered a Gmod darkRP addiction. I am now on the server pretty much daily and have over 150 hours. I stayed quite at first but I am starting to talk more, I would enjoy to command more but I mostly collapse under pressure :grin1:.

    I hope to meet new people and have lots of fun on the server in the future. :D

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