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Zak The Pro

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Posts posted by Zak The Pro

  1. I was one of the first to say sigh me up now bottom of the RESERVES

    not fair ?????????????????????

    Also the reserves list doesn't really consider priority, we grab whoever is on and gets in first if we need to - so if you end up on the reserves list, don't take the number to heart xo

    I'll make the entire list 0. if it makes the world spin at a more gentle speed for you :^)

    If you could please, would help me sleep easier at night

  2. I get that members get priority but how have I gone for no.4 on the list, all the way to no.6 on the reserves? Also I know Mclovin's special and all (Im joking plz don't ban) But how come he gets two spots!?!?

    Because someone edited him in for your spot rather than me and I didn't notice it at first - I was working from the bottom up as it is first come first serve excluding priorities obviously. You should be still on the main list [changed it now].

    Also the reserves list doesn't really consider priority, we grab whoever is on and gets in first if we need to - so if you end up on the reserves list, don't take the number to heart xo

    Chances are I wont get to play anyway but thank you xoxo

  3. Okay I've looked though our CT bans using the steam id you provided us and your banned expired a while ago, If your still ct banned msg me on steam when your on the server and Ill take another look

    Alright will do cheers

  4. Did you read any of the previous posts, your ct-ban has already expired? Have you tried going ct in-game?

    I read all the replies above and was never actualy unbanned. Maybe this is some sort of bug?

    Honestly if I were you I'd sit out the CT-ban until you knew the rules better.

    You need to assist the warden and stop baiting, simple as that.

    And maybe sort out the free kills but that could be a different person I'm thinking off.. seen a couple of Zak/Zack's so Its unfair to call you out on that as I'm not sure.

    Seems that mods aren't sure of your CT ban but I know for a fact the CT-ban was deserved.. Just wait it out, play on T side until you're unbanned, just don't do the same things again. :glad2:

    I believe you're thinking of someone else, my in game name is Zak The Pro. I was banned maybe 2 or so months ago for not knowing what i was doing on ct side and free killing (didn't know what jail break was, first time on the server) Honestly don’t know where you're getting half of this from because I don’t recall you actually being on the server at the time.

    Could someone please remove the permanent ct ban as I now understand what to do.


  5. Player Name (at time of banning): Zak6565


    CT Ban Reason Give: No Idea

    Why you believe your ban was unfair/disproportionate (Including any evidence to support your claim): No idea why I was CT banned. Can someone look in to this please.

    Date of incident: No idea

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