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Posts posted by TheCake

  1. Just don't use facebook in general. What is it useful for aside from sharing school assignments in a hidden group with all of your classmates?

    You don't have many friends do you shadow.

    IRL, I have about 4 people I talk to in school. Outside school maybe 2 other people. I'm fairly used to it.

    Hard to find people that actually are like me around here ( or like the same kind of games and don't go "wtf is a SNES" even though I'm in a goddamn game dev course).

    To Mclovin:

    I unfollow every friend on facebook to avoid their useless spam. Rarely I see an update on something that is interesting.

    I also hate the happy b day spam messages whenever it's my birthday. I stopped saying thanks to those.

    anti-social Grump out.

    Good to know.

    420th post suck my nuts

  2. We have a rule where i come from it goes like this: 250cc or get the fuck out. But we climb mountans with that shit so whatevs

    Yahama is a good choise aswell. Its better than buying one of those kawasaki pit bikes that shit themselfs after one weekend or a day out in the snow.

  3. a map made entirely of discos? Sounds like my kind of thing, can't wait to play on it!

    Give me a weekend with your map and ill paint it up real good and increase the size of it by 500mb

  4. I haz no cap, O_O!

    Well the biggest reason my ISP has caps is because people were running servers on a residential network so they capped it to like plans of 10 up to 120Gb a month. Also #WJYL

  5. Just realized my 20GB limit is full so my internet will be cut off until friday ( when I go back to parents place ). Posting this from school as I do have internet here, just not steam or TS access.

    Have sent mails and other people complaining about it as well. Will hopefully get more limit soon.

    Best start of being mod ever ( didn't realize limit was nearly full ).

    U jelly of my 100gb cap???

  6. Fallout 3 is one of the best games ever made

    Fallout NV is not

    New Vegas does everything better than 3

    I believe it's a matter of what you play first. I pirated New Vegas the year it came out and i loved it i have played it 5 times over and once without using fast travel(I bought it in the end so sit down and shut the fuck up). But when i played 3 i only wished for the things you could do in New Vegas and in the end didn't like it as much but i liked it but not enough to play it over again. I believe new one isn't going to be anything special compared to the ones that we played first.

    Well if you disagree you could just keep wasting your time bitching about how X is better than Y and Z is gonna be better than bla blabalbalabalablkjcdbhavujygoblstaæsiubknl.

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