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Everything posted by Doomblade94

  1. How long was it since the last GTA came out?
  2. wish granted but then you BECOME NOTHING!!! I wish for Dorothy to get a mic so I can fap when she's on the JB server.
  3. Because the music is so bad, it somehow obtains lots of attention and results in the creation of off-spins and parodies, making it an internet meme. This viral status makes the song a success, which other people (unfortunately) decide to use as a formula for their songs (which become just as bad, if not worse).
  4. Is it easy making these Jailbreak maps with SOURCE SDK?
  5. Name: Doomblade94 Age: 18 Location: U.S. Catch Phrase: Down with the tyrannical government; Viva la revolution! Other Commonly Played Games: Minecraft, TF2, GMod 13; Killing Floor; Realm of the Mad God Other gaming platforms played: GBA, PS2 Personality: Socially stoned ???: Profit
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