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Posts posted by Professor

  1. I would love to get back into violin so I might get myself one as a Christmas present.

    Also a telescope and maybe a nice new coat. Yea, that'd be lovely.

    Otherwise, I don't have enough money so I can't go see the rest of the family in Australia so it'll be the Scottish family. Drinking tea, handing out presents watching the new Wallace & Gromit and Doctor Who Christmas specials. Bliss.

  2. Custom sprays were one of the best parts of JB on Cs:s. It'd be great to see the same thing on Cs:go.

    I'm not active on the server but if anyone wants a hand making a spray I'd be more than happy to help.

  3. Yeah can we have a competition to name the park after the winner. And their picture can be placed in there somewhere?

    The [insert Name] Memorial park.

    The Doomblade Memorial park?

    The Jailbreak Memorial Park?

    The Sholto Memorial Park?

    The Veterans of OB Memorial Park? And just have walls of names similar to Nam remembrance sites in America?

    The Daemonic Rug Sweeping Celebratory Park?

    Also would there be any chance of adding pets to Darkrp? Because I just had a mental image of Gaffer running one and laughed to myself.

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