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Posts posted by Dave

  1. Okay thanks everyone for your comments on my member application. I honestly didn't know that I had to wait 12 more days until I could apply. For further notice, how long will I have to wait until I will be able to apply again?

    Either this one will be put to the side and you will only have to wait the original 11/10 days, or you will have to wait another whole month, so 17th August.

  2. Been waiting for this for a long time!

    I do know my maxes I think:

    Bench - 61kg

    Squat - 101kg

    Pull to bench - 60kg

    Upright Row - 40kg (I think).

    I haven't done my deadlift as of yet, but I reckon I could get around 60-70kg, maybe less or maybe more.

    I am 17 and am just under 6 ft (about 5'11 and a half) and weigh like 10 and a half stone (so like 60-65 kg?)

    I did all my weights training with my rowing club and it was all freeweights, no gym machines. All of my maxes improved by quite a bit over the winter period (first maxes taken in October - latest in about March time I think?). I plan on buying my own benches and weights to fit in some extra weights training during the summer.

    I row about 4-5 times a week, including races (regattas) EVERY single Saturday through June and July, with some in May and August. I have not done weights training in a while, simply because we have needed to get out on the water and get some water mileage, in preparation for the regattas. An average water outing is probably around 10km, although it could be more, especially if we go out to sea and in those water outings we do 'pieces' or firm bits of work e.g. 6 minutes of high pressure in the water.

    I play rugby, usually training once a week with matches on a Sunday afternoon. However, rugby has stopped for the season until August.

    I also lifeguard once a week, which is basically a fitness session on a Friday evening, consisting of lengths and lifeguard skills etc.

    I used to do Karate as well, got my black belt in 2010 but I quit about 3 years ago, which actually led me to start rowing.

  3. I'd take Mcdonalds, the salary is just too good.

    Would you rather eat yourself to death (get so fat you die), and be bullied in the process (as you slowly get fatter, and fatter) or have your face burned in the frying oil to the extent that it would kill you, but you would be in agony for around 20-30 seconds as your skin is burnt off?

    Damn, someone has seen the old Spooks series --- I'll take the burning oil, as a fitness freak death from fatness is just a nightmare.

    Would you rather be able to spit faster and longer fucking lyrics or sing really well?

  4. Poop flavoured chocolate

    Would you rather have sex with your mum in your girlfriends body or your girlfriend in your mums body?

    Neither, I would jump off a cliff you sick fuck (jks).

    Would you rather have all the knowledge in the world but suffer from chronic headaches or have some knowledge and only suffer from minor headaches?

  5. This has been a problem forever; unfortunately, since we are a UK jailbreak server, we probably won't be on in the early hours of the morning. Like others have said, demo it and slam it in the ban request section, that way we clear up a few regular freekillers that might appear. Apart from that, become more involved in the community, try and get mod then you can deal with them yourself!

  6. Fight at the Battle of Waterloo. According to historians, 98% of gladiators died, whereas only 55% of people who fought in the Battle of Waterloo died. This gives me better chances are living, which I'm all for. However, I'm sure the victors of the gladiator arena were better treated, which gave me some thoughts.

    Would you rather pull all your nails off, or pull all your teeth out?

    Source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Waterloo (Losses over Strength)

    Sorry just want to jump right in here, I'm fairly certain 98% of gladiators did not die (I could be wrong). Gladiators were highly regarded and well looked after - it was very hard to find a good, well trained gladiator, so it was actually uncommon for the person presiding over the games, e.g. the emperor to sentence a gladiator to death. Deaths from animals etc. were also unlikely,

    As for my answer, I would slide down the 350m long cardboard run, because I would gain ghost chilli powers from Jordans sweat and become insane at CSGO and Chris Lord slapping me with his dick would give me good luck for betting and CSGO jackpot, so thats golden. Also because my privileges were already taken away.

    Would you rather:

    Start a nuclear war that would turn the world into a ravenous and apocalyptic hell hole, with countries either wiped out or extinct, with Kim Jung-Un as self proclaimed leader of this new world, where humanity is on a knifes edge.


    Slowly infect the world with a disease that makes almost 99% of the population infertile, thus, over many years, eliminating mankind from the planet.

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