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The Ost

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Posts posted by The Ost

  1. As of this sunday I'm going away to do some tests in the military, depending on how well I do, I might be gone for everything between a day and 4 weeks. I'll post updates if I know more later.

  2. Oh religion, why do you make people talk so much.

    I had not forseen that this would turn inn to a religious klusterfuck. (naive I know)

    This thread was just "Hey, watch two videos", not a : "Hey, please state your view on religion and explain your reason for choosing to belive what you do"

    And Cake?! politics?! Like this thread hadn't derailed enough.

    Make a new thread if you want to bitch about religion/politics.


  3. Hey, my name is Bob and I'm a non-tennis player.

    But seriously, Dont get all tuchy about religion here, I just thought the video was funny. If you liked it great, if you didn't tough life.

    And doomblade, "posting on a forum" ≠ "ramming down a throat". Even if you are joking, just saying.

  4. Evenin'

    I'm "The Ost" in-game. I have been her for just over a year, and I came here through aur (the old surf partnerish of OB) I'm 19 years old, live in Norway. I still live at home studying maths/Physics/some programming, this will be my last year of school before I go too do the mandatory service in the military. (Won't be playing alot of css then ={} ).

    Things I enjoy doing is, gaming(Most games), playing drums(Yes in a band, Nothing remotely big :P), skiing(I'm bad), music(Rock/Punk/metal/hardcore), playing handball(in the lowest league possible), traveling(been traveling abit with my parents).

    Want too know more? Call: 0100111001101111011101000010000001100001001000000101001001100101011000010110110000100000010011100111010101101101011000100110010101110010. Or leave a comment with your question in it.

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