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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. it has steam support now, although when I tried it that way it lagged, mightve just been connection though.

    with all the new OP gear, expert is pretty broken early on, can get good items practically for free. wall of flesh on expert took about 10 seconds to kill.

    Minecart tracks are nice, since we have fast carts, we can move accross the entire map pretty fast. New mini bosses and final boss are pretty hard.

    Once I get the new equip set from last boss I'll be done again though.

    In general if you haven't played the game, there is a lot to it. lasts way longer than minecraft because of all the difficulty tiers.

  2. 3 word story is just a shitfest we have had like 3 of them in the past. At least here you actually gotta think about some clever questions, cmon Skeff you can't be serious.

    kill in console.

    3 word story

    kill in console.

    He just ended the story.

    Infect the world so the 1% that survives doesn't fuck the world up again.

    Would you rather:

    be forced to watch a 30m video of the worst sex / porn fetish (whichever that is for your tastes)


    be in teamspeak for 15m with biggles eating and talking, lewis blowholing his mic, Mintlou singing queen songs, me on a loop saying ok den and Chris lord spouting the dankest memes and screamers WHILE your volume is all the way up. All of them have immunity from bans,kicks,mutes, etc..

  3. Middle name? Don't have one

    What's a nickname friends/family may have given you that we don't know? Eric

    If you had to change your name, what would you change it to (in game names don't count)? :glad2:

    What's your favourite sport? Gaming

    Who is your favourite sports(wo)man? none

    What was the last sport you did/exercise? Table Tennis, unless playing Pool at home counts

    Best sporting event you've been to? none

    What's your fav home cooked meal? Steak with croquettes

    What's your fav meal to eat out (any country)? A good pizzeria

    What was the last meal you ate out of the house? pizza

    What's your fav fast food chain company? Pizza Italia

    Do you prefer sweet or savory? both

    What is the longest period of time you've had a "best friend" or partner for? best friend: 7 years and going partners 6 months

    Have you had pets, what's your best one ever been? I've only had goldfish for pets, one lived for 7 years, no names.

    If you could live anywhere other than the UK, where would it be and why? This is a bad question, any place where I can stay inside play games and survive

    What was the last movie you watched? Frozen

    What was the last movie you saw at the cinema? No idea

    What's your favourite film you've ever seen? LoTR?

    What's your fav movie genre? (Horror, Adventure, Romantic..etc) Horror/Drama

    Fav actor and fav actress? none

    Last book you read? I read manga if that counts, Akumetsu was pretty good

    Fav book ever? :glad2:

    What's the best birthday/Christmas present you ever received? Money

    How many siblings do you have? 1

    What's the furthest place you've been to from home? Greece ( America this summer )

    What's the tallest building you've been up? I don't think I've been up anything past floor 8

    Would you describe yourself an optimist or a pessimist? Pessimist

    What was/is your fav subject at school? sports, or whatever it's called

    What educational achievement are you most proud of? Being the best of class while doing fuck all

    What's your proudest achievement in general?

    Do you hope to have kids at one point? Only if I have a partner that wants them

    Have you had any sort of job before? Yes

    What's your dream job? Make money playing games pretty much

    How much do you/parents pay for your haircut? 22€

    If you could live in any period of history, which would it be? Future

    If you could pick any age to be for a week, what would it be? 12 so I can play runescape all day again

    Your birthday or christmas? Don't care about either, but birthday cause I probably get more money

    Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? Dead

    Are you a lot different in real life to how you put yourself across on the server? I don't talk to people irl so idk really

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