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Eagle (inactive)

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Posts posted by Eagle (inactive)

  1. Shop

    imo with some history in modding and mapping and such, this would be buggy as hell and make the server run worse. ( and probably alot more crashes.)

  2. tbh I'm not trying to be a dick but we as admins and mods are normally there to mute/gag people by request or by choice most of the time.

    having a server where you get auto muted when you join makes us 1. look bad 2. makes the admins look incompetent.

    i mean i personally am all for mute when t's are dead because there is no real reason why they should talk when dead, if you get freekilled you are supposed to message a admin anyway so i will bring it up in the next meeting.

  3. Your apparently a part of this community so you should be siding with the community you are in and not trying to steal maps for another community.

    Kriss and Mclovin didn't make these maps so that other people could be lazy and use them they made them so that the players who play on the OB benefit from the time and effort they put into a map and let them enjoy it knowing the fact that no other server will have this map making it part of the OB experience want the training camp map go fine the original and edit it for yourself.

    this map is exclusive to OB ( the community you are part of) don't like that fact then leave OB.

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