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Season 2 of OB HUB Now Live

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So, some straw polls for any changes people would like to see implemented next season.
Mostly to show some options people may not have known existed and if the majority would actually prefer it.

The options for captaincy: http://www.strawpoll.me/15083788

A: Leaderboard based - This means that the two highest ranked players on the leaderboards in any given game will be selected as the two captains.

Pro: Stops people piggybacking off of good teams by forcing them into the captaincy

Con: Captains could be catastrophically bad early on in any season and players who don't play much will never be captain

B: Role-based - The current system. Where people based off of their given role will be given captain priority. We currently have two Tiers - Tier 1 and Tier 2

Pro: Captains are often fair and don't give a player any chance to dodge captaincy.

Con: Tiers are rewarded by people. So human error and biases do affect the Tier system.

C: Random - Totally random. CHAAAAOOOOOOOOSS.

Pro: Ain't bias I guess. Gives everyone a chance of being a good ol' captain.

Con: Everything imaginable.

D: ELO based - The two players with the highest FaceIT elo's in any given game will captain against one another.

Pro: Captains would be fair quite often.

Con: People who don't play faceit pugs yet are very good at the game will be dodging captaincy.



Edited by Danny

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