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Congratulations to Trump I guess?

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*RIGGED* most people thought Hillary was going to bring this home, so did I but surprise, surprise I guess... 

They both are just so bad in my opinion but now that USA has a republican president things could change and probably will, mostly economics and monetary.

However some people think a great world war 3 is going to burst out but nah USA is controlled by the congress and no such thing will happen, or will it?

#Opinions? #who should of won? #WW3 incoming? 

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Most people didn't think Hilary was going to win in America is was very split and from what I've seen Trump and his supporters were ninety-nine percent sure they would win were as Hilary prepared a losing speech and accepted defeat (but I would understand why most people thought she would win due to the bias media channels like CNN etc)If  and her backers (Obama etc) 

If the elections didn't exist and it was a job interview then hands down Hilary would have won due to her past experiences as a politician, her recommendations (Obama, her husband etc) and Trump would have lost since he is neither a politician or a veteran of the united states but what we have witnessed is the underdog of this presidential race despite all odds win much like what happened in Brexit. 

I haven't heard anyone in England or anyone I've spoken to about this subject online say that they think a "Great world war three" will happen or that some catastrophic event will happen


I'm glad Trump won and I hope he really does make America great again and challenges the higher establishment about topics like corruption etc etc


Also i was really happy to see my man Nigel Farage up at 4:30 talking on ITV to the correspondents. 

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I don't think World War 3 will happen anytime soon, I do feel sorry for minorities living in the US though. 

Terrible election either way, trying to pick the lesser between two evils was always going to end up in a shit show. 

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At least the American people can vote again 4 years time, with Trump potentially going down as the most (un)?popular president in history 


edit: (Taking this from a friend of mine who posted this online - his views, but thought it was worth sharing)


So that would be that then.

I'd love to join this mornings trend of incredulous shock at those bloody yanks but in all honesty, I can't really get mad at people not voting for Hillary Clinton.

Americans aren't stupid. It's pretty obvious to most everyone that Trump will never be able to build his wall, or deport the Muslims, or whatever else he promised to do this week. Half his controversial promises are unconstitutional anyway and the other half are so unpopular congressmen will have to wait in line to filibuster them. We across the pond have the luxury of thinking about this on principle but citizens should vote practically and practically speaking, voting for Trump is not half as dangerous as it is in principle.

On the other hand, I can totally understand that the American voter might have real fears about Hillary as president. She's already criminally mishandled emails and she comes from one of the most nepotistic, corrupt political dynasties in the US. Even though I'm less than happy about the result honestly I'm a little relieved Hillary didn't get in.

Like I said, Americans aren't stupid and I can definitely see the logic behind seeing Trump as the lesser of two evils. A worse person, maybe, and absolutely horrifying if he was a dictator, but ultimately so extreme as to be effectively harmless.

Which brings me to the real failure in this election- the candidate pool itself. Trump is bad, sure, but Ted Cruz was fucking scary. There was no abundance of talent in the Dem primaries, either. What happened to the basic sort of smart, charismatic career politician, the Romneys and McCains, you used to be able to rely on? Why isn't either party producing these people anymore? Where's the next Obama? When did US politics stop being about who is the best and become about who is the least awful? Why is popularity at an all time low and lying a record high?

It is a grim period in American politics, but not just because the scary orange man got elected. America had a fucking tough choice to make last night and I can't sit here and tell them they made the wrong one. I just hope whoever's running Trump's presidency behind the scenes knows what they're doing.



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Well, I think it was always going to be a lot closer than we think, as with Brexit.

We're so exposed to social media, that, regardless of whether we read the news or not, that's where we see a significant amount of political opinions. Every article / status on Facebook for me personally is negative about Trump - anything positive (if there is anything) is instantly ridiculed and mocked. But in reality, social media is such a limited representation of voters. At face-value that's why both these results are shocking to a lot of us, because all we see all day is about how awful he is.

In part that's possibly why the exit polls suggested a Clinton win, with some experts suggesting that Trump voters were scared to admit they voted Trump. I think that's actually more due to the hate from the youth / left wing than being ashamed about voting for him. Although I don't think anything disastrous is going to happen, just to be moderately comfortable I'd have voted Clinton. That doesn't excuse the behaviour of the left wing. Aggressive and overtly hostile to anyone wishing to back Trump, much more so than Trump voters to democrats.

Expect some possible changes on abortion, gun rights and stuff - but really that's nothing for us to worry about. They are domestic issues, which the people have voted for in democratic fashion and we don't really have a right to complain about. I'm sure the U.S thinks our rape statistics are fucked up in comparison to theirs. On an international scale it's far more complicated than, again, social media makes out. Trump can't just nuke North Korea, without probably first confirming with the Army Generals, top officials and certainly the Secretary of defence.

It is more scary with the fact that the Republicans now control the Senate and HoR, but a lot of these representatives are unsympathetic on a fair few of Trump's views - just voting for him along party alliance lines. Yes, a lot of Americans want USA great again - confirming rights, securing better trade deals, getting back above China on an economic scale and even as far as getting rid of some immigrants. But in response to the initial question, I doubt a majority Congress would agree to declare war on Russia or China in the foreseeable future.

If Trump as he is now, a dick in personality, but hasn't done anything fucking crazy - just pleased a lot of Americans by returning to roots, I predict he retains the presidency. It's already easy enough for an incumbent President to carry on. The real battle-ground now will be 2024, unless something drastic happens.

It's pretty obvious the candidates weren't great. But Democrats probably fucked up more than the Republicans. I would have liked to see Joe Biden or even Patrick Leahy go for it, but if they didn't want to, not much you can do, even Bernie would have served better. I think a lot of the population was content with Obama - had a better candidate been up, I think democrats would have won tbh. For me, one of the most fascinating things is that the Libertarian party rose from 1 million votes in 2012 to 4 million last night; shows how shit the main party candidates were.

But yeah, tl;dr - no WW3, unless it's declared on the US, not really sure what's going on in North Korea and Russia.


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I simply knew that he was going to win but not by 0.8%, I was expecting by like 3%

Also, I may not know much about politics but ffs how can people say 'Prepare for ww3' and shit, like he can not be that stupid

They need to stop jumping on the bandwagons to try and fit in.

All this talk about how he's going to build a wall but surely you need Mexico's permission to build it.

And the fact that people believe that he will deport 'minors' is fair but he wouldn't do that because it will hurt his career and he may be possibly assassinated

Dont talk shit to me unless you've got valid points and not on the bandwagon

#who should of won? 

#who should have won? :D









im happy that clinton didnt get elected :d

Edited by Brawler

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"They need to stop jumping on the bandwagons to try and fit in."

^^^ THIS

People are just furious/emotional due to their gut-response, after being informed solely by disparaging and biased headlines through the entire election cycle. Suck it up and move on. Might even be a good thing for us, given that we're out of the EU and Trump does not want to punish us for it like Obama and Hillary did.


Edited by VENGA BUS

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