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Changes to Membership

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Hello all

As you may have noticed in the 2016 thread Here, we're making changes to the way membership works, and our expectations regarding members going forward. Before, obtaining membership was the only time your membership would be examined: now, we will make membership checks every month.

Being a member means being an active participant in our community, and this activity can take place in a variety of ways. Members play the servers, make quality posts on the forum, come on teamspeak, play gathers or other games, and enjoy integrating with our wider community. In the past, we would very rarely examine activity levels, but we're taking a marginally different stance going forwards. From now on, we'll expect members to complete two out of three of our holy trinity regularly: Play the servers, come on teamspeak, and post on the forum.

We're not expecting fanatical dedication, but at the very least token activity on two, ideally three, would be appreciated. As we release more servers hopefully we'll give you more and more reasons to hop on to Outbreak. Being a member should hopefully be consistently a force of fun - we'd love to see people staying up till 3am on tinychat or watching silly youtube videos online or having a movie night - all of these things are perhaps the most integral part of our community, and we encourage every single member to try these.

The community team will meet once a month and quickly review the member core. If they are concerned for any reason, they'll give you a quick friendly chat - we'd like you to remain a member, after all.

Members will now have the exclusive benefit of hosting events, if they would like to Here. This is by no means expected, but may provide an interesting and different experience compared to the usual "manifold" membership activies open to them already.

If you find you're bored of the server, then no problem. Try hosting an event or making a map or video editing - produce something for everyone else. It's an immensely rewarding experience and Outbreak is a fantastic medium for any budding media creators.

For those who have been members for two years or more and find that they're moving on to bigger things with life, be it a university or a job or anything, then you are welcome to apply to any of the administrators for Outbreak Veteran status. Veteran is a status given to those who meet the above criteria and will never be removed - Veterans have several benefits, including event priority and the ability to skip trial.

Members should be welcoming and friendly at all times. As a member, you are permanently representing the community, and members who unnecessarily grief, abuse or are generally acrimonious will be warned very quickly to change their behaviour before a final warning is given.

In layman's terms:

♦ We'll review member once a month.

♦ Members should be active on at least TWO of the following: the servers, the forum or teamspeak.

♦ Any issues and we'll flag them with you

♦ We'd like people to enjoy being member, and integrating in multiple ways

♦ Members can host events Here

♦ Those with 2 years+ activity can apply for Veteran

♦ Don't be a dick

If you have any questions, direct them to the community team, beginning with Kartoffel and down.

All the best,

The OB Staff

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