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CSGO Logic

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ok So as many of you may know i have been comp banned 15 times for a period of one week....

im going to tell you guys how i keep getting banned and then i will tell you a thing that i did recently....

so im not the type of guy to purposely kill his team in a comp game or leave ....but this is the record of my week bans starting from week 1...

Week 1 - CS:GO crashed

Week 2 - Shot a annoying team greifer x3

Week 3 - Loading trouble

Week 4 - Accidentally got a 4k AWP collateral (1 terrorist and 3 counter-terrorist....team ran in way as i shot)

Week 5 - Internet failed

Week 6 - Steam went down

Week 7 - CS:GO crashed

Week 8 - Internet failed

Week 9 - Annoying 4 year old squeaker jumps in front of my shot

Week 10 - Got kicked by team for not speaking Russian.....got week ban

Week 11 - Valve thought i needed 2 weeks in stead of one

Week 12 - CS:GO crashed

Week 13 - PC crashed while recording a video....had to format my PC

Week 14 - Hurt a team member for 21hp with grenade down banana (i threw a grenade down banana and team ran down banana)

Week 15 - My ex-friend ran past me to get a knife kill while i was in gun fight

as you can see......XD i get screwed a lot

now for the funny thing that has happened to me:

So i have a *StatTrak CZ75Auto | Hexane

and with me being banned a lot i have been playing quite a bit of casual...now in casual the only pistol i use is my CZ75

so over the time i have had my CZ75 Auto it has had many conditions

1. Minimal Wear

2. Field Tested

3. Well Worn

4. Field Tested......wait...how did it get back to Field Tested?

so is as realize that my CZ has grown in quality i notice the StatTrak counter.....666 KILLS..... i then notice that a trade timer has appeared on the weapon, it is set for:

September 22nd at 08:00 am ...... the exact time and date that one of my pets has been found dead each year(for the past 3 years)..... this made me laugh and it also made me a bit scared too

so i don't know if all this creepy-pasta stuff is real but from now on....im not saying Bloody Mary into my mirror anymore (something i do to creep my sister out cause she hates that creepy pasta)

I want to know what you guys think of this ....is it a sign? or is it just CS:GO logic and coincidence i don't know but if anyone has any questions please don't be afraid to ask me....


screenshot of it in my invo for those of you that don't believe me

EDIT: "the exact time and date that one of my pets has been found dead each year(for the past 3 years)" by this i mean that each year i have gone downstairs in my house and found one of my pets dead...i also usually wake up about 6:30 and go downstairs around 8:00 each day so yeah thats the time thing sorted out.....Btw yes this year one of my hamsters was dead in the cage...it had a good 3 years so....(it survived 2 years of the "badluck")...tbh im not really sad about the death because i was kinda expecting it so....sorry just thought i should update the post........also i would like to add...iwhile read all the comments i noticed that no-one comments about the 4k collateral i got.....XD come one guys even tho it was a accident....im silver 4 and i got a 4k collateral....that a achievement

Edited by Guest

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I shoot my team all the time, I never get banned for it. I got kicked from a game once for it, anyways you don't get banned strait of the bat.. You need to shoot your team MULTIPLE times in a game.

All I know is never to play comp with you, you're probably just ebola personality so ebola you don't even realise it yourself. Nothing personal.

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