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H1Y1 - 21/6/15 @7PM GMT +1

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Wait so when is it and what's the prize ?

Please make sure to have an admin/mod, preferably a host too, added to your friends list so you can easily be invited.

CT Objective:

As per the briefing Chase, Cotton, Salvador and Flint need to get from their drop-off point on the beach in Voodoo and fulfil as many objectives as possible. There are two primary objectives, both of which should be each team's priority, and one lesser objective, which confident teams can attempt.

The Voodoo facility lost power during it's research into FARSEC' viruses, and so requires the generators to restart to begin transmitting the FARSEC research. This can be achieved by the pump room. Being within the region of the pump room is considered to be reaching it, and points are awarded immediately. Once a CT is within the pump room, he is safe. Bonus points are awarded for Chase reaching this room, being the team's mechanic and his area of expertise.

Chinese doctors began to store sensitive information within the theatre as they were forced to relocate during the initial outbreak. Breaching this sector and reaching the theatre is the team's second goal. As above, as soon as they are in the theatre they are considered safe. Bonus points are awarded if Flint reaches this point, being the team's primary scientist.

A third minor goal, as requested by UNSC Marine Recon is the recovery of a prototype weapon, believed to be somewhere on the roof of the facility. It is recommended this weapon can only be handled by Cotton, the weapons specialist. Teams are reminded this is a secondary objective and less points will be awarded to teams who complete it.

There are multiple ways of scoring during this event, as well as multiple strategies teams can employ. Your aim is to reach the safe zone, in any way possible. You will score more points if you reach the two safe zones with 2 members in each safe zone, and the most if you complete every objective, and send the correct characters to the correct safe zones.

It is a valid option to send four characters to a single safe zone and accept a round end. This is one possible strategy.

Safe zone scoring chart:

Theatre 0: Pump Room 0 = 0 points

Theatre 1: Pump Room 0 = 5 points

Theatre 2: Pump Room 0 = 10 points

Theatre 1: Pump Room 1 = 15 points

Theatre 3: Pump Room 0 = 15 points

Theatre 2: Pump Room 1 = 20 points

Theatre 4: Pump Room 0 = 20 points

Theatre 3: Pump Room 1 = 25 points

Theatre 2: Pump Room 2 = 30 points

"Any score the other way around will give the same amount of points."

You will score highest for splitting your forces up.

A bonus FIVE points will be awarded for successfully sending Chase to the pump room, Flint to the theatre, or Cotton to his weapons prototype, for a maximum of FIFTEEN extra points.

CT Rules:

Massive UNSC shortages mean the team will only be equipped with pistols within the facility.

CTs MAY NOT use the vine ladder to reach the roof. They'll have to find another way to access it. Equally, the lift and the vent accessing the roof adjacent to it are BANNED.

T Objective:

H1Y1 has overtaken you. Kill the fresh meat, using your bare hands.

T Rules:

Ts will respawn every ten seconds at random spawn points through the facility. Ts may not enter the two safe zones, but they may attack the beach.


1. Jamie

2. Popeye

3. Venga

4. Unseen

5. Storm

6. Marshmallow

7. Jake (nonmem)

8. Twiixtor

9. Zak the pro (nonmem)

10. Chris Lord

11. lorcan (nonmem)

12. Xzeterah (TaylorS) (nonmem)

13. Hades (nonmem)
















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"Teams are reminded this is a secondary objective and less points will be awarded to teams who complete it."

typo right?

and when you say people are "safe", must they stay in that room? or can they not be attacked?

it's not entirely clear

Each minor objective will get you an extra 5 points on top of the scoring chart scores.

Ts can't enter the safe zones. There will be a time limit, for each team to complete as many objectives as possible. This time limit is still being discussed. Wether a ct can enter a safe zine and leave it to get to the other safe zone is a rather good question I'll discuss it today.

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