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Outbreak Monthly - Issue #7 - June

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Hello Oblettes

Hope you are all well as we come out of the other side of exam season.

Things will probably start picking up around here as the month rolls on so expect busier server and teamspeak and website.

Anyway whats new?

We have been ironing out bugs on DarkRP, the major one being losing money on death no longer occurs. So thats always a plus.

We have also begun a 1 month trial merger with dedicated Rejects. I'm going to create a list of things that come with this merger just to make it easier to understand.

The only thing that changes is the teamspeak

We will have a new IP and a special Outbreak Section to the teamspeak. The TS3 is a 500 slot server with lots of other groups of people on there.

We will be keeping the DarkRP server up, at least for the summer. Then afterwards we may consider moving it to a new location.

The new location is the dR dedicated server. We will receive space on it to do as we wish. Which means we can throw up servers as and when we need. Meaning pop up events can happen. We can easily just jump onto a game of minecraft or pb or whatever.

Basically we get more server freedom.

We keep our Outbreak name. If we play games with dR players then we are free to wear their tags, but generally we are still Outbreak.

The forums will still be here, as they always will be.

So what do dR get from this? They get new CSGO players to play games with them. Thats all they have asked for from this.

Personally I see no issue, and everyone I spoke to last night said it was a no brainer.

So we are giving this a month and will see how it goes. I have created a discussion thread for people to ask questions and such about the merger.


Apart from that there has been no real big news. The DarkRP map is nearing completion and is looking beautiful in it's current state, and I can't wait for you guys to play it.


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