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Everything posted by Stiqqy

  1. Stiqqy

    OB NERD test

    Chris you arent meant to post your age !
  2. jesus chwist Do you think some of these will be added to battle pass or like an event or purely just cash cash dollar dollar for everyone.
  3. http://steamcommunity.com/games/578080/announcements/detail/1653258341515442673 Oh hey weapon skins are fun
  4. Tbh i enjoy both lmao pubg is better for more realistic combat and has a bigger variety in weapons and 2 different maps but fortnite is fucking frantic and dumb as hell and has the challenge system coupled with the lit cosmetics they keep adding to the game, both are good and they will only get better as both try to one up each other on content. pubg coming out with a new 4x4 map, in april for test servers so that could spice up the game a lot.
  5. I mean l4d2 will always be better, versus mode with 8 people is always so lit.
  7. Pasta is always a go to for me when wanting energy, great source of carbohydrates. I'd recommend it in moderation and you can combine it with some interesting recipies to suitt your tastes, usually with vegetables and some sauces. As long as you are active enough so that you spend that energy and don't let it get stored as fat then you should be good. Its been a while since ive done sports sciencey stuff so my knowlegde is a lil rough.
  8. Stiqqy

    OB's Face it.

    That was the propose of his statement clearly ginger
  9. Picked it up today, very fun tbh i'd recommend it. especially with modding coming soon
  10. Stiqqy - Stiqqy (You already have me venga, i now know that you are Corzare lul)
  11. smh with the amount of shots they missed they all easy kills should've done better yunk flash
  12. Yes you are, wouldn't expect anything else. ALSO "THIS FAKE ASS MACKLEMORE" LMAO
  13. SeE tHrOuGh TeXtuRe PaCks ArEn'T cHeAtIng
  14. Dude you are going to be NUTTY, bumrushing is so lit in this tbh
  15. That wailing woods chest is fucking awful as fuck to do since theres like 40 people jumping there and only like 1 chest ever spawning lol.
  16. they are adding a fucking jetpack LUL
  17. Stiqqy

    New surf video

    Really enjoy watching these, well done weez my boi
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