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Everything posted by Fluxy

  1. Once again Scotland and England showing completely identical voting patterns and political standpoints. Honestly so glad we are a UNITED kingdom where decisions on the future of our nation are made in an inclusive and considerate way towards ALL members of this GREAT Britan. Go democracy!1!11
  2. I earn more than both of your parents kiddo
  3. Guys please what are you doing to my PMA thread ?
  4. In light of recent events, I'm bringing this avent garde piece of cinematography to screens near you. One man and his journey from the depths of forum hell to be the voice of the people. Not the hero we wanted, but the hero we got.
  5. Fluxy

    New server idea?

    Killing floor 2 cough cough Legit this isn't a bad idea BTW
  6. Fluxy

    Gz Akeem

    Grats bbz. Your doing gods work son. Go now. Be at peace.
  7. Imagine ur bf being called giant cheesepuff HAH
  8. So seen a few folk chatting about getting this new game World War Z, its pegging itself as L4D reborn, revamped like blah blah. Thought I would check out some of my go-to reviewers to see how it stood up Now, if you dont know the Worth a Buy reviews, or are familiar with Mac as a reviewer then ill sum up his style as, honest, balanced, accessible and funny. Where some reviews are like quite structured and long winded and break everything down into sound, gameplay, graphics, multiplayer and so on, WAB videos end with basically, is this game worth your money or not. Watching his review of World War Z kind of confirms what I thought it might be. Just wanted to warn my fellow gamers against dropping their money on a product that seems uninspired and boring.
  9. Very positive to see new shit happening again, maybe brings some life back into the forums. Keep it up bros!
  10. to all these IDIOTS voting @keemy Please consider your actions more closely.
  11. Thanks @keemy Good post, glad it's generating some motion
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