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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. livestream it dude its the only way we can believe you now
  2. UPON INVESTIGATION: the website you clicked loaded INSTANTLY... everyone i've spoken to has it load in about 1-2 seconds with a white screen visible beforehand FAKED.
  3. Nah kai i don't believe this, the maths don't add up. You've bamboozled us somehow... my guess is the suits clip is just put over the top of the video to make it seem like you haven't edited it at all (the sound not cutting out)
  5. Like cmon if you joined another team idk what to say LOL
  6. I dread to think what this amount is now
  7. Change to a duel server!!!
  8. Forums and teamspeak = people from server will visit forums but not sign up, will probably never visit teamspeak discord = people from server will join, lurk a bit and see the community banter in text channels and then decide to integrate and get to know people. Not only that, everything is in one place @Sir_Conor no votes, force the change. Its for the best
  9. i dont think matchmaking works for community servers, only server browser
  10. I love this game even tho i suck
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